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Samsungs danske 2011 fladskærme

24 Feb 2011 | Rasmus Larsen |

Samsung præsenterede deres 2011 fladskærme onsdag i Stockholm og FlatpanelsDK var naturligvis til stede for at kigge på Samsungs nye fladskærme. Samsung fremhæver blandt andet design med ekstremt tynde rammer og dybde, 3D og Smart TV-tjenester med en indbygget internet browser. I denne artikel giver vi det fulde overblik over alle de relevante modeller inden LED og plasma, såsom D8005, D7005 og D6505.
Bemærk, at de Nordiske modeller alle ender på 5 i modelnavnet.

Opdateret 25-07-2011: D5005 LED, D4005 LED og D455 plasma tilføjet til listen.

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This article in english: Samsung’s 2011 TV line-up

Samsungs 2011 fladskærme i hovedtræk

Samsung introducerer både nye LED og plasma-modellerne og du kan forvente nye skærme i alle prisklasser. Den eneste model, som ikke får en opdatering er Samsungs 9-serie, men derudover udskiftes alle modelserier.


Fladskærmene med LED får i 2011 et tyndt design og som noget nyt en ekstrem slank billedramme. Rammen omkring skærmene er blot 0,5 centimeter, hvilket er ganske imponerende. Skærmene er også flotte i praksis og Samsung selv er spændt på at vise dem frem ude i butikkerne. 2011 fladskærmene vil blive kaldet ”D” (C i 2010 og B i 2009) og LED-topmodellen kaldes derfor D8005 (5-tallet betyder, at det er en Nordisk skærm).


De nye plasma-TV kommer også med tyndere rammer og tynde designs. En kombination af et Real Black filter og et en såkaldt LCE (Local Contrast Enhancer) skal angiveligt forbedre gengivelsen af sort. Samsung har også taget en mærkværdig beslutning ved at lade deres plasma-TV vokse en tomme til 51, 59 og 64 tommer i stedet for 50, 58 og 63-tommer, og nævner, at det er blevet muligt efter rammen er blevet tyndere.


Et hovedfokusområde for Samsung i 2011 er Smart TV-platformen, som giver adgang til internettet og en række multimediafunktioner. I 2010 introducerede Samsung deres App store og i 2011 udvides dette kraftigt. Fra Smart TV-platformen kan man tilgå video-on-demand, musik-tjenester små spil og meget mere.


Alt kan kontrolleres med den medfølgende fjernbetjening eller Apple iPhone/iPad. De dyreste modeller har endda en integrereret internet browser, så man kan søge frit på internettet. En anden smart funktion er muligheden for at sende video fra Tv’et ud til andre enheder, såsom en tablet eller telefon. Vi følger op med en artikel omkring de mange nye Smart TV funktioner i en senere artikel.

Samsung’s 2011 Touch Remote
Samsung’s 2011 Touch Remote

Af andre praktiske mediefunktioner finder man USB-optagelse, så brugeren kan optage Tv og sætte direkte Tv på pause, såvel som DLNA, der lader brugeren streame video, musik og billeder fra andre enheder direkte til skærmen. Samsung har tilmed udviklet en ny Touch Remote, men oplyser, at den – modsat tidligere udmeldinger – ikke vil følge med modellerne, men sælges som ekstraudstyr. Det giver billigere topmodeller.

Samsung vil samtidig have fokus på 3D i 2011 og 3D billedkvaliteten loves forbedret, samtidig med, at 3D-brillerne er lettere end nogensinde.


Samsung vil tilmed lancere billigere 3DTV indenfor både LCD/LED og plasma. Samsung anvender stadig den aktive 3D-teknologi, men 3D-brillerne kommunikerer nu vha. Bluetooth i stedet for infrarød for en mere stabil forbindelse.

Samsungs 2011 LED-modeller

Herunder finder du et overblik over de nye LED-fladskærme fra Samsung. De dyreste modeller listes først og herefter de billigere.

Samsung D8005 LED

Samsung D8005 er det nye flagskib og kommer med Edge LED, 3D, Samsung Apps og indbygget internet browser.

Samsung D8005
Samsung D8005

Og naturligvis det nye elegante design med ekstrem tynd ramme og dybde.

Samsung D8005
Samsung D8005

  • Edge LED med Micro Dimming Plus
  • 3D
  • Aktive 3D-briller med Bluetooth
  • 200 Hz
  • Samsung Smart TV med Apps og internet browser
  • Indbygget Wi-Fi
  • Touch screen fjernbetjening kan tilkøbes
  • 0,5 cm tynd ramme omkring panel

    Samsung D8005 lanceres i 40, 46, 55 og 65 tommer kaldet UE40D8005, UE46D8005, UE55D8005 og UE65D8005. Der lanceres muligvis også mindre størrelser på sigt.

  • 40” 40D8005
  • 46” 46D8005
  • 55” 55D8005
  • 60” 55D8005

    Samsung D7005 LED

    Samsung D7005 er skridtet ned fra D8005, men kommer stadig med den nye Touch Remote. Herudover kan nævnes Edge LED, 3D og Smart TV tjenester med indbygget internet browser.

    Samsung D7005
    Samsung D7005

    D7005 minder dog overordnet om D8005 og skal primært ses som en designvariant.

    Samsung D7005
    Samsung D7005

  • Edge LED
  • 3D
  • Aktive 3D-briller med Bluetooth
  • 200 Hz
  • Samsung Smart TV med Apps og internet browser
  • Indbygget Wi-Fi
  • 0,5 cm tynd ramme omkring panel

    Samsung D7005 lanceres i 40, 46, 55 og 65 tommer kaldet UE40D7005, UE46D7005, UE55D7005 og UE65D7005. Der lanceres muligvis også mindre størrelser på sigt.

  • 40” 40D7005
  • 46” 46D7005
  • 55” 55D7005

    Samsung D6505 LED

    D6505 er skridtet ned fra D7005 og 200 Hz er nu erstattet med 100 Hz. Modellen har stadig 3D og Smart TV.

    Samsung D6505
    Samsung D6505

    Her er endnu et billede.

    Samsung D6505
    Samsung D6505

  • Edge LED
  • 3D
  • Aktive 3D-briller med Bluetooth
  • 100 Hz
  • Samsung Smart TV med Apps
  • 20 % tyndere ramme omkring panel end 2010 Tv

    Samsung D6505 lanceres i 32, 40, 46 og 55 tommer kaldet UE32D6505, UE40D6505, UE46D6505 og UE55D6505.

  • 32” 32D6505
  • 40” 40D6505
  • 46” 46D6505
  • 55” 55D6505

    Der kommer også en række varianter med tilføjet eller fjernet funktionalitet kaldet D6205, D6325, D6515, D6435, D6545, D6555, D6575 og D6755.

    Samsung D5005 LED

    D5005 er skridtet nede fra D6505, men kommer stadig med slankt design og LED, dog uden 3D.

    Samsung D5005
    Samsung D5005

  • Edge LED
  • 100 Hz
  • Samsung Smart TV med Apps (ingen internet browser)

    Samsung D5005 lanceres i 22, 27, 32, 37, 40 og 46 tommer kaldet 22D5505, 27D5005, 32D5005, 36D5505, 40D5005 og 46D5005.

  • 32” 32D5005
  • 40” 40D5005
  • 46” 46D5005

    Der kommer herudover en D5015 variant med hvidt design samt en D5725 variant med tilføjet funktionalitet.

    Samsung D4005 LED

    D4005 er en lavpris LED-model, som kommer i sort (D4005) og hvid (D4015).

    Samsung D4005
    Samsung D4005

  • Edge LED

    Samsung D4005 lanceres i 19 og 32 tommer kaldet 19D4005 og 32D4005.

  • 19” 19D4005
  • 32” 32D4005

    Samsungs 2011 plasma-TV

    Herunder finder du et overblik over de nye plasma-fladskærme fra Samsung. De dyreste modeller listes først og herefter de billigere.

    Samsung D8005 plasma

    Samsung D8005 er flagskibet indenfor plasma-modellerne og kommer med Samsungs mest avancerede plasma-teknologi. Kombinationen af et Real Black Filter og LCE (Local Contrast Enhancer) giver angiveligt dybere sort og Samsung lover tilmed flottere 3D-billedkvalitet.

    Samsung D8005 plasma
    Samsung D8005 plasma

    Plasma-Tv’et D8005 har naturligvis alle Smart TV funktionerne samt indbygget trådløst netværk.

    Samsung D8005 plasma
    Samsung D8005 plasma

  • Full HD Plasma
  • 3D
  • Real Black Filter
  • LCE (Local Contrast Enhancer)
  • Cinema Smooth
  • Aktive 3D-briller med bluetooth
  • Samsung Smart TV med Apps og Internet browser
  • Indbygget Wi-Fi
  • Touch screen fjernbetjening kan tilkøbes
  • 3.5 cm i dybden og tynd ramme

    Samsung D8005 plasma bliver tilgængelig i 51, 59 og 64 tommer kaldet PS51D8005, PS59D8005 og PS64D8005.

  • 51” PS51D8005
  • 64” PS64D8005

    Samsung D7005 plasma

    Samsung D7005 er skridtet ned fra D8005, men vi mangler stadig fulde specifikationer.

    Samsung D7005 plasma
    Samsung D7005 plasma

  • Full HD Plasma
  • 3D
  • Real Black Filter
  • Cinema Smooth
  • Aktive 3D-briller med bluetooth
  • Samsung Smart TV med Apps og Internet browser
  • Touch screen fjernbetjening kan tilkøbes
  • 3.5 cm i dybden og tynd ramme

    Samsung D7005 plasma bliver tilgængelig i 51 and 59 tommer kaldet PS51D7005 and PS59D7005.

  • 51” PS51D7005
  • 59” PS59D7005

    Samsung D6905 plasma

    Samsung D6905 er et plasma-Tv med 3D og Smart TV-funktionerne med Apps og en internetbrowser.

    Samsung D6505 plasma
    Samsung D6905 plasma

  • Full HD Plasma
  • 3D
  • Cinema Smooth
  • Samsung Smart Tv med Apps og Internet browser
  • Indbygget Wi-Fi
  • 3.5 cm i dybden og tynd ramme.

    Samsungs D6905 plasma bliver tilgængelig i 51 og 59 tommer kaldet PS51D6905 og PS59D6905.

  • 51” PS51D6905
  • 59” PS59D6905

    Samsung D555 plasma

    Samsung D555 bliver en prisbillig plasmamodel uden Smart TV.

    Samsung D555 plasma
    Samsung D555 plasma

  • Full HD Plasma
  • 3D
  • DLNA
  • 4 HDMI

    Samsungs D555 plasma bliver tilgængelig i 51 og 59 tommer kaldet PS51D555 og PS59D555.

  • 51” PS51D555
  • 59” PS59D555

    Samsung D455 plasma

    Samsungs D445 er en billig-model uden Full HD panel.

    Samsung D455 plasma
    Samsung D455 plasma

  • HD Ready plasma
  • 2 HDMI

    Samsungs D555 plasma bliver tilgængelig i 43 og 51 tommer kaldet PS43D455 og PS51D455.

  • 43" PS42D455
  • 51" PS51D455


    Nedenfor finder du en tabel med overblik over de vigtigste funktioner og teknologier for LCD-modellerne (opdateres når vi har yderligere information).


    Nedenfor er de mange brugerspørgsmål besvaret. Ikke alle spørgsmål kunne besvares på nuværende tidspunkt og visse kræver, at vi tester modellerne.

    Jeg var glad for at se at Samsung sidste år sørgede for en analog audio-udgang på deres LED C7705 og C8705 skærme.
    Kan I spørge om, hvilke af deres nye skærme, der har analog stereo-udgang?
    Det er ret vigtigt for mit vedkommende, hvis jeg skal slippe for at købe mig en DAC til 2-3500 kr., som i øvrigt bare er en ekstra ting, der fylder i TV-møblet.
    Ja, analogudgange findes på flere modeller. Samsung nævner, at det findes på næsten alle modeller fra 6-serien og opefter.

    Hør om nogen af modellerne har to tunere til usb-optagelse :) /Jonathan Szpirt
    Nej, kun en tuner.

    Jeg kunne bestemt godt tænke mig prisen på den nye model der svare til PS50C7705 /Pede2970
    D7005 og D8005 minder meget om hinanden, men skal betragtes som arvtageren her.

    Har 2011 modellerne DVB-T2 tuner? /Lars
    Ja, de dyreste mid-end samt high-end modellerne. Det leveres dog ikke som standard, men man kan få varianter med DVB-T2 – i så fald ender de på 7 i modelnummeret.

    Hvad går Micro Dimming Plus helt nøjagtigt ud på? Hvordan fungerer det? /Thomas
    Det er Edge LED + en software controller der analyserer billedet i omkring 4000 zoner, og tilpasser herefter. Det er ikke en egentlig local dimming funktion, men et billedkredsløb, som gør det vha. pixels.

    Er Samsung overhovedet opmærksom på retention og ikke mindst buzz problemet - er der gjort noget ved det i 2011 ? ? /lennon
    Der er gjort tiltag for at ændre begge, men vi må undersøge det nærmere i vores anmeldelser. Se også det engelske svar på dette spørgsmål for yderligere information omkring ændringerne.

    Hva har samsung gjort for å redusere refleksjoner, buzz og fosforslør fra årets plasmaskjermer? /Stig Øyvind
    Ja vha. et Real Black Filter kombineret med LCE-teknologien. Der er dog ikke sket de helt store ændringer fra 2010.

    Hvordan er det med clouding og"lyskaster" i hjørnene ved cinemacope på d8000 led? På tidligere modeller har dette vært veldig skjenerende. /Kenneth
    Lys-fordeleren skal angiveligt være bedre, men vi vil naturligvis udnersøge dette nærmere i vores anmeldeler.

    Samsung nævner imidlertid, at sortniveauet er forbedret ret markant på LED-modellerne.

    Er der også en anden fjernbetjening med til D8000 LED? Den avancerede ser ikke speciel børnevenlig ud (læs holdbar) /Michael
    Samsung Nordic har besluttet, at fjernbetjeningen bliver ekstraudstyr på alle modeller. På den måde skal folk ikke betale ekstra for den og det gør topmodellerne billigere.
    Derfor kommer D8005 også med normal fjernbetjening som standard.

    Undersøtter de gamle wallmounts de nye samsung LED modeller? /aznhandles
    Ja, det er de samme. De findes også til de helt store plasma-modeller

    Hvordan bliver lyden på den nye model - kommer der højtalere der passer til modellerne /Christian
    Højttalerne er stadig begrænsede pga. tykkelsen, men Samsung lancerer både et nyt Home Cinema system og en ny soundbar kaldet HW-D570, som er optimeret til 46-tommer Tv.

    Hvilke harddisk formater understøtter samsungs 2011tv? /Esben
    Liste over formater og codecs følger inden længe.

    Var deres 75" på CES 2011 en prototype eller har de planer om at lancere den? /claus
    Det var en prototype. Der er ikke planer om at lancere den foreløbigt.

    Jeg vil meget gerne høre hvad samsung har gjort for at reducere refeksionerne i skærmene, især på LED modellerne.
    Glæder mig til at høre nyt fra Samsung fronten i år, deres nye skærme ser hotte ud...
    Se tidligere svar :)

    just the usual.. ask about clouding, crosstalk, input lag, black level etc.. thank you :] /Balazs
    We will get back to that in reviews. Samsung has made several improvements. See the later answer for more information on some of these improvements.

    About the plasma line (only thing interesting):
    * Ask them about the (missing) D7000 line?
    * If D7000, will there be a 59" size this year(love that C7000/D7000 bezel and 58" was missing last year)?
    * Are there actually any substantial improvements compared to last year (C7000) ... hard facts please?
    * Can the 2011 mediaplayer playback real 24p ("Cinema Smooth") - last year this option was missing as soon as you entered the mediaplayer and forced that dreaded soap opera effect.
    * Prices?
    I've got a general feeling, all they've done this year is trim the bezel and added that inch. And last year models are priced attractively ... so any information that can help me buy 2010 or wait for 2011 is most welcome.
    D7000 will be available but not at all retailer. Yes to 59-inches.
    The 2011 plasma line-up has been improved and these are some of the most significant changes:
    WCE Pro in 2011 instead of WCE in 2010.
    Samsung has a completely new in-house chip designed for their 2011 TVs. All previous TVs have been using SOC chips from other manufacturers.
    LCE (Local Contrast Enhancer) is new.
    Motion Rate is improved.
    OSD resolution improved.
    Black level improved a lot (according to Samsung).

    And plasma buzzing ...
    * Do they acknowledge that it was a problem in 2010?
    * Have they done anything about it, this year?
    Samsung are aware that some products have had buzz problems and they have made an effort to reduce the buzzing. We will naturally examine this in our reviews.

    Could you ask them if the 50hz mll rise problem has been fixed for the plasma's?
    And has the plasma buzzing been fixed?
    Samsung has no comment at this time.

    Absolutely critical questions
    1. What is the principle of Micro Dimming Plus in D series and is it really equivalent to full array local dimming, how many zones it has then?
    2. When the 65" D8000 model is available in the EU and Nordic countries?
    3. Is the world biggest 75" TV shown at the CES going to become production model in 2011 sold somewhere in the world? If so will it be available in the EU and Nordic countries and when? What might be its price range, less than 10k euro or more?
    1. Edge LED + a software controller that analyzes the picture in 4000 different zones and adjusts accordingly. It’s not a local dimmign hardware function but instead a software picture circuit analyzing with the pixel areas.
    2. 65-inch later in 2011. No specific date at this point.
    3. No, no plans at the moment.

    (1) What kind of"Internet channels" they have for the new TVs? Localized per country and do they already have a list of services (mainly ondemand video services or local TV brodcaster's net streams)
    (2) DLNA codec support?
    (3) Input lag for gamers?
    (4) If there is dynamic backlight then is it possible to disable it in this year models?
    1. This is a huge focus area for Samsung and they will provide local services. Please ask your local sales contact to learn more. The global services include Apps such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and many more.
    2. List coming.
    3. Motion rate improved for both LED and plasma but we will have to examine input lag for specific models in our reviews.
    4. No answer provided.

    (5) Which TVs have DVB-T2 tuner included in Nordic models? /Flathead
    The ones ending with 7 in the model name in some Nordic countries. In Sweden some high-end models will be available with DVB-T2

    I would like to know if the 60" D7/8000 will be available in the UK, and if these models will have an analogue audio out connection, like the C8000. /M.R.
    55-inches will be available and 65-inch coming. The 60-inch seems to be a US model at this point. Yes most mid-end to high-end models will feature analogue audio out, Samsung says.

    Please inquire when the release date will be for the 60 and 65" D8000 models for the US (you can ask about the UK too if you want). Also would be interested to know if these will be readily available (the 65 was in very limited supply in the US last year) /AJ
    Samsung has no specific dates for the largest models but the will not be readily available from the start.

    Please ask about the differences between the d6300 and d7000 in 3D quality. In addition, how has the 3D picture improved over last years models, and does the 240Hz in the d7000 pose a benefit over the 6300 in regards to 3D. Thanks! /Jeremy
    No huge differences. The actual Hz numbers are not that important but the Motion Rate is.
    The model is called D6500 in Europe and D6400 in the US.

    For Plasmas -
    Have you fixed the non-defeatable sharpener on your sets? I've been made aware of this by a US Calibrator D-Nice.
    Have you fixed the cinema black level bug and what plasma range has the 0.004 mll?
    What does the LCE (Local Contrast Enhancer) do?
    Now I have seen papers on LCE, due to searching on the internet and found this link:
    /se7/62/62_Paper.pdf (it's called 'Local Contrast Enhancement' and 'for improving screen images exposed to intensive external light' So i'm interested to know what LCE really is? Thanks.
    Samsung believes that the sharpener is now a setting option in the options menu but the engineer wasn’t 100 % sure.
    Yes, to cinema black level. The actual numbers for black level depth are not provided officially at this point.
    LCE is pretty much a similar technology to Micro Dimming. It’s a software analyzer that analyzes the picture in around 4000 zones.

    hi, no question but please take a lot of high resolution pics from D6400, D7000 and D8000 /hied
    We have some pictures in this article. More will be added later on in a separate article.

    Hi, could u ask them if they improved horrible IR on their plasmas? /Tomasz
    Yes, improvements have been made and Samsung has made changes to the phosphor layer.

    Are there any news about the passive glasses from RealD and the RDZ LCD HDTVs? /mg85
    No plans. Active is focus at the moment. RDZ is still a prototype.

    Assuming the 75" set from the CES becomes offerable this year, what are its specs and technology, are they the same as D8000 series? /wirk
    No plans yet.

    ad USB recording:
    1. Will Samsung equip the tv's with 2 tv tuners, so with a PVR functionality we could watch something and record something else?
    2. Will the 2011 models be able to record analog sources eg: analog TV broadcasts or analog inputs via SCART
    You can record everything in digital format; SD, HD and 3D. No analogue recording is enabled.

    Please inquire about the bezels and why Samsung is incorporating them at this point? Should their micro-dimming control that has reduced panel thickness not extend to the frame thickness itself? Why put a 1cm bezel around the frame when a mere 1 or 2mm solid frame will do?
    Second question to ask is why has Samsung strayed from local dimming technology, while LG in 2011 has their flagship lw9500 and 2nd top lcd lw7700 both with local dimming for better PQ?
    Micro dimming is actually not local dimming but instead a software analyzer,

    Samsung believes that Edge LED has a number of advantages such as lower power consumption and slimmer screens. They have no plans to introduce backlit LED models at this point but besides. That was all Samsung could say at this point.

    Why they left Direct LED with Local Dimming to push inferior Edge LED backlight technology? /Željko Kerum
    See previous answer.

    What is the difference between the D7000 and D8000? Is is only that the D8000 has the touch screen remote and web browser, or will there be a difference in picture quality? /Tallen234
    Mostly design. D7000 also has a web browser but none of them will come bundled with the new Touch Remote. Samsung has decided that it will be sold separately.

    1# also would like to know how micro dimming works on the LCD
    2# what improvements have they made for 2D picture quality on the plasmas?
    3# what is"local contrast enhancer"?
    1. See previous answer.
    2. A number of improvements. See previous answer.
    3. LCE has the same function as Micro Dimming. For more information see the previous answers.

    1) Will they be implementing their"Carbon Nanotube" Technology in any of the 2011 sets & how does it compare to LG's"Nano-Tech" development?
    2) Samsung announced at CES 2011 that they have partnered with Real-D & have jointly developed a"RDZ" Passive 3D System which they claim is better than LG's"Film Pattern Retarder" System as it offers Full HD to each eye with Passive Glasses. Please can they expand on this system & tell us which 2011 models will offer the Real-D Passive RDZ 3D System?
    3) How does the RDZ Passive System compare to the Active 3D system?
    4) Will The RDZ Passive 3D System be offered on both LCD & Plasma TV's?
    5) Apart from Screen Filters, what specific & meaningful progress has Samsung made with regards to improved Black Levels on their Plasma TV's?
    6) Why do the 2011 Plasma TV Models not have the 0.2" minimal bezel width like some of the LCD TV's?
    7) Which technology does Samsung feel offer the very best picture quality based on the tech they have employed in each - their top end LCD's or their top end Plasma's?
    1) No official statement regarding this.
    2+3+4) No plans yet
    5) See previous answers :)
    6) The 2011 plasma models have slimmer bezels than the 2010 models. Samsung has exhibited a prototype with slimmer bezel but there are no plans to release it at this point.
    7) Different advantages. Samsung believes that this is mostly an individual choice.

    Do the new plasma models still exhibit"line bleed" - when a horizontal or vertical image results in ghosted line extending to a neighboring image due to power not being evenly distributed along the row or column. This is common when a scene consists of a lot of lines for example one containing window blinds, stairs, or the like. /Schmidty
    Not any noticeable improvements here.

    Will the 2011 Plasma's have Directional Buzzing Issues like the 2010 models had. /Alan H
    See previous answers

    You can ask if they eliminated the floating blacks, all the problems with 50 Hz are resolved and the black level bug with the frecuency. /fonso
    Samsung says that the black level bug has been corrected and says that black levels have been improved. Samsung has no comment regarding the 50 Hz bug at this point.

    Has Samsung fixed the annoying Motion Plus frame skipping problem in their 2011 models? For me and for many others this is the major flaw in the whole Samsung picture processing engine /Ron
    Samsung has implemented a completely new chipset with better picture algorithms so hopefully it’s gone.

    1. Can you illustrate the differences in specs (if any) between the EU and US models particularly the D7000 and D8000 plasmas?
    2. Can you confirm that the D7000 will be available in the Euro market?
    3. Can you give any suggestions as to the MSRP of the bluetooth glasses and can you say whether the TVs will come with any glasses and/or the wireless charging base? If not then will you be offering a 3D viewing bundle with charging base, glasses etc and if yes can you give the MSRP of it?
    1. USB Recording will not be available on the US models. Besides that there’s only local differences such as Smart TV services and tuners.
    2. Yes, it will.
    3. Around the same price as the current 3D glasses. The new ones use Bluetooth instead.

    Please ask Samsung if they have addressed the 'blinking' issue which is a very common fault on the 2010 range - i.e., screen intermittently goes completely black for 1 - 2 seconds.
    Also, as mentioned by others, black level rise with 50Hz and when using Cinema Smooth - has this been addressed and resolved?
    Samsung says that their new chipset should have resolved issues such as the blinking issue. Regarding the other questions see some of the previous answers.

    Motion resolution in new plasma is 1080p? /miso
    Samsung didn’t give a straight-forward answer. We will have to examine that in our reviews.

    What will be the best LED HDTV model without 3D/Internet to play videogames? In 32 inches /maxmal23
    That requires further testing.

    Could you ask if the plasma D550 has the same processing (Full Crystal HD engine) as the 6500/7000/8000 series? /sypack
    Samsung was not sure at this point.

    1. Many people have returned c7000, c6800 plasmas due to the loss of synch with the glasses. Will Samsung acknowledge this fault and offer a trade in for the d8000 and d6500 models so they wont lose more customers in 2011?
    2. Plasma buzz according to internet forums is worse on Samsungs than other makes. What have Samsung done to improve on the widespread issues in the 2010 models to resolve this?
    3. Samsung made the 3d effect significantly worse in firmware 3000x with many people being forced to downgrade firmware to restore their tvs back to a usable condition. Will Samsung avoid these mistakes with 2011 set firmware?
    4. What have Samsung done to fix the blinking issue for 2011 sets, and can they fix it for 2010 set owners?
    /Karl Rainer
    1. The Samsung technicians can’t answer that question.
    2. See previous answers :)
    4. The 2011 models use a new chipset and the problem should be gone according to Samsung. Samsung is still working on a solution for the 2010 models but has no specific information available at this point.

    Heyzzz, My biting question, is: DO ALL the 2011, especialle the D6400/D6500 have DVB-S2 tuners? And whats the difference between the D6400 and D6500? /SalimRMAF
    Most mid-end to high-end models come with DVB-S2.
    D6400 is for US and D6500 is for EU.

    please ask them which models will have local dimming (or a sort of this).
    And please ask them how 3D should work with 100Hz (like on the D6400)
    The D8000 series has Micro Dimming Plus. It’s not an actual local dimming function but instead a software analyzer. For more information see one of the previous answers.
    3D is mostly dependent on Motion Rate. The motion rate is significantly higher than 100 Hz.

    Really challenging question to Samsung:
    Is Samsung going to release device similar to Microsoft Kinect? After connecting it to the USB port it would be possible then to control computer without remote.
    No plans.
    But you can control the 2011 models with smartphones such as Samsung Galaxy phones, Android and iOS.

    Følg også debatten af Samsungs 2011 fladskærme her
    Se Samsungs 2011 TV Galleri
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