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Plejmo: Vi vil ikke tage købefilm fra kunderne

31 Oct 2017 | Rasmus Larsen |

Filmtjenesten Plejmo har været i vælten efter Flatpanels afslørede, at de forbeholder sig retten til at trække kundernes købefilm tilbage efter 2 år. Selskabet siger nu, at de ingen intentioner har om at trække film tilbage og at rettighedshaverne pålægger dem at have vilkårene.

Plejmo uddyber

Lejer man en film, har man en naturlig forventning om, at den kan ses på lånt tid. Køber man derimod en film, forventer man at kunne beholde den. Derfor er filmbutikken Plejmos vilkår ubehagelig læsning.

- ”På grund af rettighederne får brugeren ved Unlimited Access adgang til Filerne i en periode på 2 - 5 år fra transaktionen (“Perioden”). Plejmo har ret til når som helst, 2 år efter transaktionen at fjerne adgangen til Filerne uden at give Brugeren meddelelse om dette.”

Flatpanels forsøgte i over en uge forgæves at få Plejmo til at kommentere på sagen. Efter vi publicerede vores artikel har selskabet henvendt sig.

"We are obliged by the movie companies to have these terms"
- ”Of course we don’t have the intention to and don’t plan to take away any movie a customer has bought on Plejmo,” siger Nils Kubowitsch, PR Manager hos Plejmo. “We are obliged by the movie companies to have these terms and conditions when we want to offer a buy function. If we would not agree to have this clause we would have never got the permission from the movie companies to offer buy movies.”

Lover kompensation

Plejmo lover i samme åndedræt, at såfremt de mister rettighederne til at distribuere en film, så vil de tilbyde kunden enten en ”teknisk eller pengemæssig” kompensation.

Selskabet peger på, at film også kan downloades og at de ikke vil blive slettet, selvom vilkårene beskriver, at ”Filen forsvinder dog automatisk, når Perioden er forbi”.

- ”If a customer is downloading the file on a device he can keep the file (and watch the movie) forever, no matter if we still have a contract with the movie company that distributed the movie or not. If one of our partnerships with a movie company should come to an end we might not be allowed to offer the movie for download after a certain amount of years (2 years, 5 years or 10 years - depending on the movie company). This is what the clause is all about,” siger Nils Kubowitsch.

Download med begrænsninger

Film kan downloades på iOS eller Android, men kun i Plejmo app’en. Ophører app’en med at fungere, eller får man ny telefon eller tablet uden mulighed for at lave backup fra den gamle, mister man downloadede film. Det er heller ikke givet, at film, der er downloadet, kan overføres imellem iOS eller Android-enheder via backup.

Plejmo tilbyder ikke download af film til en harddisk eller PC.

- ”We want satisfied customers that can enjoy their movies forever on Plejmo and we would be more than happy to remove this clause when the movie companies would not insist having it, afslutter Nils Kubowitsch. “Again: there are no plans to ever take away a movie that a user has bought on Plejmo!

Vi har bedt Plejmo uddybe visse punkter. Svarene er tilføjet i tabellen nedenfor.

Flatpanels har gennemgået vilkårene for en række tjenester, der udlejer og sælger film online. Der vil senere blive publiceret en oversigt, hvor vi også kigger på priser, udvalg, teknik og andre punkter.

Spørgsmål til Plejmo:

Question: Downloading the movie into the Plejmo app on a mobile device does not guarantee that the movie remains available for a number of reasons. Can movies be downloaded onto a PC hard drive for keeping without limitations?
Answer: No, not today. The user can download the movie to the Plejmo app on several platforms and watch the movie by using the app. Downloading a file to PC or Mac would require an app / client that plays the file (similar to the iTunes app for PC / Mac by Apple) as the movie companies demand high standards regarding DRM protection. Plejmo does not have such an app today.
Question: In the event that movies are removed from Plejmo and can no longer be streamed via the app, will Plejmo offer compensation to the customer for the loss?
Answer: In that case we will provide a good solution in the customer’s best interest. This could be a technical or monetary solution.
Question: Why does Plejmo call it “unlimited access”?
Answer: We have changed from Unlimited Access to Köp. We are currently revising our general terms as a result of this change.
Question: Are there any initiatives ongoing in regards to giving customers in Denmark or the Nordic a digital movie locker (like Movies Anywhere)?
Answer: A digital locker such as Movies Anywhere requires the participation of the rights holders. Movies Anywhere is a digital locker initiative from Disney where they have engaged most of the other Hollywood Majors as well. If the content holders wanted to introduce a similar service in the Nordics /Denmark, we would happily discuss this with them.

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