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LGs nye 2011 fladskærme - alle detaljerne

29 Jan 2011 | Rasmus Larsen |

I denne artikel vil FlatpanelsDK give dig det fulde overblik over nye LGs danske 2011 fladskærme indenfor LCD/LED og plasma med billeder og specifikationer. Nedenfor finder du afsnit omkring LGs nye 2011 produkter samt teknologien. Senere har vi lavet oversigtsskemaer med specifikationer og priser (kommer snart). Se frem til blandt andet Nano-teknologi, billigere Cinema 3D, Smart TV og USB-optagelse.

Opdatering 21-07-2011: LW950W har skiftet navn til LW980W og får i stedet Cinema 3D. Liste opdateret.

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This article in English: LG 2011 TV line-up - with full spec list

LGs 2011 fladskærme i hovedtræk

LG havde inviteret pressen til en dybtgående præsentation af 2011 fladskærmene, og FlatpanelsDK fik en chance for at opleve mange af de nye Tv i funktion. I denne artikel giver vi dig det fulde overblik over LGs 2011 fladskærme.

LG har til hensigt at forsætte med både LCD/LED og plasma i 2011. Deres LED-modeller er blevet opdateret med en ekstrem spændende Nano LED-teknologi og deres topmodeller indenfor plasma går nu all-in på 3D. LG har tilmed udviklet en billigere 3D-teknologi, som er integreret i deres Cinema 3D-modeller. Cinema 3D modellerne anvender de langt billigere 3D-briller, som du kender fra biograferne.

LG 2011 fladskærme
LG 2011 Nano TV

2 forskellige 3D-teknologier

LG mener, at 3D-markedet mangler bredde og derfor planlægger LG at lancere både aktive 3DTV såsom LW980W, LW770W og PZ950W samt passive 3DTV som f.eks. LW650W, LW550W, LW450N. De passive 3D-modeller er rettet mod det brede markedet, mens de aktive 3D-modeller er for de kræsne brugere, der ønsker bedst mulig billedkvalitet.

LG 2011 fladskærme
LG Cinema 3D med passive 3D briller

LG benytter udtrykket Cinema 3D som betegnelse for de nye passive 3DTV, der fungerer på samme måde som 3D i biograferne. Det betyder langt billige og lettere 3D-briller, som ikke kræver batterier og som ikke flimrer. Vi fik lejlighed til at prøve LGs Cinema 3D-fladskærme, og det var en overraskende positiv oplevelse.
Vi vender tilbage med mere information omkring fladskærmene i en senere artikel. Senere kommer vi med en anmeldelse.

LG 2011 fladskærme
LG 2011 fladskærme

For de aktive 3D-systemer, har LG udviklet nye, smartere 3D-briller (Cinema 3D-modellerne leveres med billige polariserede 3D-briller). De aktive 3D-briller er udviklet i samarbejde med Alain Mikli og kan ses nedenfor.

LG’s 2011 3D-glasses
LG’s 2011 3D glasses

Nedenfor kan du se LGs polariseret 3D-briller til Cinema 3D modellerne.

LG’s 2011 3D-glasses
LG’s 2011 polarized 3D glasses

LG fokuserer på Smart TV i 2011

LG er overbevist om, at internettet får en enorm indflydelse på fladskærms-markedet i de kommende år og derfor har LG udviklet en helt ny Smart TV brugerflade i samarbejde med Plex. Denne kaldet blot Smart TV. Smart TV har stadig LGs NetCast system med adgang til YouTube, Picassa, og Facebook, men LG har også indbygget en webbrowser og en App Store (online i 3. kvartal 2011).

Gennem Smart TV-brugerfladen får de europæiske brugere adgang til lokalt indhold, der afhænger af den specifikke region. I Danmark får vi indledningsvis adgang til Viasat OnDemand og filmudlejning gennem SF Anytime.

LG har desuden udviklet gratis Apps til iPhone, Android, Windows 7 and Symbian-baserede smartphones, hvilket giver nye muligheder for styring af skærmene, herunder et fuldt QWERTY-tastatur. Vi bringer inden længe en separat artikel om LGs Smart TV system, men på nuværende tidspunkt kan vi sige, at vi er imponeret af det vi ser og vi er spændte på at se systemet udfolde sig i sit fulde potentiale.

LG 2011 fladskærme
LG 2011 Smart TV interface

Nano-teknologi og forbedret plasma

LG talte meget om deres nye Nano LED-teknologi. Ved at udnytte en meget tynd film med 10 ^ -9 m nano-størrelse huller, er LG i stand til at skabe meget slanke TV med ekstremt dybt sortniveau ved at udnytte lokal dimming – altså hvor lyset styres i forskellige zoner på Tv’et. LG nævner desuden, at Nano-filmen sikrer, at lyset fordeles perfekt henover skærmen.

LG 2011 fladskærme
LG 2011 fladskærme

På plasma-fronten har LG også taget tingene et skridt videre med en bedre filter, 3D og lavere energiforbrug. Flagskibet hedder PZ950W og kommer med LGs Rammeløse design, 3D, THX (for både 3D og 2D) og Smart TV med web browser og Apps.

Af andre nye funktioner kan nævnes LGs Magic Motion fjernbetjening med gyro-baseret teknologi, der lader brugeren styre Tv’et med Wii-lignende bevægelser, samt USB-optagelse på de fleste plasma-Tv og LW980W topmodellen med LED.

LG 2011 fladskærme
LG 2011 fladskærme

Derudover tilbydes ISFccc kalibreringsmuligheder, hvilket giver de avancerede brugere mulighed for at indstille Tv’ene med en lang række indstillinger, herunder også lave dag og nat-indstillinger.

Nedenfor har vi beskrevet hver af de nye LG fladskærms-TV. Se oversigts-tabellen nederst for et overblik. Spørgsmålene fra jer brugere er også besvaret i sidste sektion.

LG LW980W Nano LED

LG LW980W er den nye flagskib LED-model fra LG med Nano LED-teknologi. Nano LED-teknologien gør det muligt for LG til at skabe en fuld LED-baggrundsbelysning med local dimming i en ekstremt tynd skærm. Opdatering: Denne model har senere skiftet navn til LW980W og får i stedet Cinema 3D.

LG Nano LW950W
LG Nano LW980W

LW980W har også LGs nye Smart TV med Apps og en webbrowser.

LG Nano LW980W
LG Nano LW980W

  • Nano teknologi
  • LED local dimming
  • Cinema 3D
  • Smart TV med NetCast & web browser
  • 400 Hz TruMotion
  • DLNA
  • Magic Wand fjernbetjening
  • Wi-Fi
  • USB-optagelse
  • Wireless AV Link

    LW980W bliver tilgængelig i september 2011 i 47 og 55 tommer kaldet 47LW980W og 55LW980W.

    LG LZ970W 72"

    LGs LZ970W bliver kun tilgængelig i imponerende 72 tommer. Den har LED local dimming, 3D og 400 Hz, men dog ikke Nano-teknologien.

    LG Nano LZ970W
    LG Nano LZ970W

    LZ950W har desuden LGs Smart TV system.

  • LED local dimming
  • 3D (aktiv 3D)
  • Smart TV med NetCast & web browser
  • 400 Hz TruMotion
  • DLNA
  • Magic Wand fjernbetjening
  • Wi-Fi Ready
  • Wireless AV Link

    LZ970W kommer ikke til Danmark alligevel.

    LG LW770W Nano LED

    LW770W er lillebroderen til LW980W. Den har stadig Nano LED-teknologi og LGs Smart TV. Tv’et har også 3D. Den mest væsentlig forskel i forhold til LW980W, er, at LW770W har en mat front i stedet for en glasfront, som findes på LW980W.

    LG Nano LW770W
    LG Nano LW770W

  • Nano teknologi
  • LED local dimming
  • 3D (aktiv 3D)
  • Smart TV med NetCast & web browser
  • 400 Hz TruMotion
  • DLNA
  • Magic Wand fjernbetjening
  • Wi-Fi
  • Wireless AV Link

    Opdatering: LW770W er droppet - ikke kun i Danmark, men på global plan.

    LG LW650W

    LG LW650W er en del af Cinema 3D serien og topmodellen heri. LGs Cinema 3D er lig med det man kalder passiv 3D, som du kender fra biograferne, hvilket også betyder, at man udnytter de meget billigere polariserede 3D-briller.

    LG LW650W
    LG LW650W

  • Edge LED med local dimming
  • Passive 3D (Cinema 3D)
  • 4 par 3D-briller inkluderet
  • 200 Hz
  • Klar til Magic Wand fjernbetjening
  • Smart TV med NetCast & web browser
  • Wi-Fi Ready via USB
  • Wireless AV Link

    LG 2011 fladskærme
    LG LW650W Cinema 3D

    LG LW650W bliver tilgængelig i maj 2011 i 42, 47 og 55 tommer kaldet 42LW650W, 47LW650W og 55LW650W.

  • 42" 42LW650W
  • 47" 47LW650W
  • 55" 55LW650W

    LG LW550W

    Den nye prisbillige LW550W serie kommer med Cinema 3D - passiv 3D - og 4 par 3D-briller.

    LG LW550W
    LG LW550W

  • Edge LED med local dimming
  • Cinema 3D (Passive 3D)
  • Smart TV med NetCast & web browser
  • 4 par 3D-briller inkluderet
  • 100 Hz
  • Klar til Magic Wand fjernbetjening
  • Wi-Fi Ready via USB
  • Wireless AV Link

    LW550W bliver tilgængelig i maj 2011 i 32, 42, 47 og 55 tommer kaldet 32LW550W, 42LW550W, 47LW550W og 55LW550W.

  • 32" 42LW550W
  • 42" 42LW550W
  • 47" 47LW550W
  • 55" 55LW550W

    LG LW450N

    LG LW450N bliver LGs billigste model med Cinema 3D.

    LG LW450N
    LG LW450N

  • Edge LED med local dimming
  • Cinema 3D (Passive 3D)
  • 4 par 3D-briller inkluderet
  • 100 Hz

    LW450N bliver tilgængelig i maj 2011 i 32, 42, 47 og 55 tommer kaldet 32LW450N, 42LW450N, 47LW450N og 55LW450N.

  • 32” 32LW450N
  • 42” 42LW450N
  • 47” 47LW450N
  • 55” 55LW450N

    LG LV550W and LV530N

    LG vil også lancere LED-modeller uden 3D, men med Smart TV (kun LV550N) samt Edge LED med begrænset local dimming.

    LG LV550N
    LG LV550N

  • Edge LED med local dimming
  • Smart TV med NetCast & web browser (kun LV550W)
  • 100 Hz
  • Klar til Magic Wand fjernbetjening
  • Wi-Fi Ready
  • Wireless AV Link

    LV550W bliver tilgængelig i april 2011 i 32, 42, 47 og 55 tommer kaldet 32LV550W, 42LV550W, 47LV550W og 55LV550W.
    LV530N er varianten uden Smart TV. Den bliver tilgængelig i april 2011 i 32, 37, 42 og 47 tommer kaldet 32LV530N, 37LV530N, 42LV530N og 47LV530N.

  • 32” 32LV550W
  • 42” 42LV550W
  • 47” 47LV550W

    LG LV450N, LV355N, LK550N, LK530N, LK450N og LK430N

    Andre LCD-TV serie med LED blev også nævnt som LV450N, LV355N, LK550N, LK530N, LK450N og LK430N.

    Alle disse kommer med LED, men ingen af dem har Smart TV eller 3D-teknologi. For fuld information, se specifikationerne i tabellen senere.

    LG PZ950W plasma

    PK950 er plasma flagskibet, og har et TruBlack panel, aktiv 3D-teknologi og THX-billedprofiler.

    LG PZ950W
    LG PZ950W

  • 3D plasma-Tv
  • Smart TV with NetCast, apps & web browser
  • Rammeløst design
  • THX 2D og 3D
  • 600Hz Sub-field Driving
  • USB-optagelse
  • Bluetooth
  • DLNA
  • Multiplay
  • Tru Black Filter
  • WiFi
  • Magic Wand fjernbetjening
  • Wireless AV Link

    LG PZ950W bliver tilgængelig i marts/april 2011 i 50 og 60 tommer kaldet 50PZ950W og 60PZ950W.

  • 50” 50PZ950W
  • 60” 60PZ950W

    LG PZ750W plasma

    PZ750W er det skridtet ned fra PZ950W og har stadig 3D, Smart TV og THX.

    LG PZ750

  • 3D plasma-Tv
  • Smart TV med NetCast, Apps & web browser
  • Rammeløst design
  • THX 2D og 3D
  • 600Hz sub Field Driving
  • USB-optagelse
  • 4.5 cm ramme
  • 5 centimeter tyk
  • DLNA
  • Wi-Fi Ready
  • Klar til Magic Wand fjernbetjening
  • Wireless AV Link

    PZ750W bliver tilgængelig i marts/april 2011 i 50 og 60 tommer kaldet 50PZ750W og 60PZ750W.

  • 50” 50PZ750W
  • 60” 60PZ750W

    LG PZ570W og PZ550N plasma

    LG PZ550N
    LG PZ550N

  • Full HD plasma
  • TruSlim design
  • 3D Ready og 2D-til-3D konvertering
  • Smart TV med NetCast (kun i PZ570W versionen, som også har USB optagelse)
  • THX
  • 600Hz sub Field Driving
  • DLNA
  • Wi-Fi Ready
  • Wireless AV Link

    PZ550N bliver tilgængelig i marts 2011 i 50 og 60 tommer kaldet 50PZ550N og 60PZ550N.
    Der lanceres også en PZ570W version med USB-optagelse og Smart TV. PZ570W lanceres i 50 og 60 tommer kaldet 50PZ570W og 60PZ570W.

  • 50” 50PZ550N
  • 60” 60PZ550N
  • 50” 50PZ750W
  • 60” 60PZ570W

    LG PZ250N

    LG PZ250N er en af LGs prisbillige 3D-plasmamodeller.

  • Full HD plasma
  • TruSlim design
  • 3D Ready og 2D-til-3D konvertering
  • 600Hz sub Field Driving
  • DLNA
  • Wi-Fi Ready

    PZ250N bliver tilgængelig i marts 2011 i 50 og 60 tommer kaldet 50PZ250N og 60PZ250N.

  • 50” 50PZ250N
  • 60” 60PZ250N

    LG PW450N plasma

    LG PW450N
    LG PW450N

  • Full HD plasma
  • TruSlim design
  • 3D Ready og 2D-til-3D konvertering
  • Smart TV med NetCast
  • 600Hz sub Field Driving

    PW450N bliver tilgængelig i marts 2011 i 42 og 50 tommer kaldet 42PW450N og 50PW450N.

  • 42” 42PW450N
  • 50” 50PW450N

    LG PV350N & PT353N plasma

    Endelig frigiver LG to billigere plasmaserier uden 3D benævnt PV350N & PT353N. Begge med TruSlim design med en tyndere ramme.

    PV350N serien vil være tilgængelig i 50" (50PV350N) og 60" (60PV350N).

    PT353N serien vil være tilgængelig i 42" (42PT353N) og 50" (50PT353N).


    Nedenfor finder du en komplet oversigt over LG 2011 fladskærme.

    LG 2010 overview
    Klik for større billede


    Nedenfor kan du finde svar på de spørgsmål, som brugerne har stillet til LG. Visse spørgsmål er blevet slået sammen og andre kræver opfølgning i praktiske tests.

    Kan i spørge lidt ind til internetbrowser funktionalitet i smart-tv. Fungere det ligesom en browser på en computer, med adgang til alle websider?-Jesper
    Flash understøttes. Større artikel kommer online omkring LGs Smart TV.

    Vil i ikke høre til hvorvidt der er full Plex integration - altså om der er tilgange til de samme funktionaliteter som der er i en alm. Plex klient og om der er understøttelse af alle de formater som Plex understøtter?-Torben
    Media Link er ikke en direkte kopi, men en tilpasset version til TV. Mange af de samme funktioner findes dog.

    Er der en model med DVB-T2, DVB-S2 og USB-optagelse? Det ville være perfekt-Jackpot
    Desværre ikke i 2011 – hvert fald ikke i Norden.

    Modellen Lex8 ble lansert på IFA2010. Når kommer denne til det nordiske markedet og finnes det mer informasjon enn det som framkom ved lanseringen.-Kenneth & What about the LEX8 model, is this one of the 2011 range? -sonofs
    LEX8 is not coming to Europe. But the other new models with LED local dimming has the same backlight technology and same number of lamps.

    Kommer der DVB-T2 i Danmark?-Rasmus
    Ja, der er DVB-T2 i mange modeller - også de danske.

    Mulighed for at optage et program, og se et andet? Internet browser: java og flash understøttet?-Jeppe
    Nej desværre. Der er kun en tuner. Java og flash understøttes i browser.

    Understøtter alle LGs 2011 modeller DVB-T2?-Lars
    Alle LGs Smart TV.

    Hvilke modeller kommer med USB-optager?-Jan
    Alle Smart TV indenfor plasma, samt flagskibet LW950W med LED Nano.

    Håber de lancerer 72" modellen eller i det mindste nogle 60 eller 65"! Laver LG en iphone app til deres TV?-Claus linde
    72 tommer versionen lanceres i Europa og USA kaldet 72LZ970W. Hvis du kigger efter 55-tommer findes 55LW950W.

    Kommer der nogen uden glasfront?-lazy
    ja LW770W og nogle af de billigere modeller. All Cinema 3D modellerne har også mat front.

    Er der noget anti refleks på skærmene, så der ikke er så mange refleksioner fra lys?-Martin & Are the screens still as reflective as last years?
    Samme som i 2010 modellerne.

    Når man afspiller video gennem Media Link (Plex), skal det så transcodes i Plex Media Server inden det kan afspilles?
    Du behøver ikke transcode filer, men du kan godt bruge PC DLNA-softwaren til at transcode filer.

    Kan man nyde fuld hd video gennem Media Link (Plex)? - F.eks. ved at afspille en 1080p mkv video
    Hardware 1080p er understøttet.

    Hvordan tilslutter man sit surround anlæg, så man kan få surround lyd når man afspiller videoer gennem Media Link?-Søren Pedersen
    HDMI 1.4 eller optisk. Surround er understøttet.

    Did they manage to reduce or eliminate the banding last years LED range had?
    It's is eliminated in the Nano TVs.

    Pls ask them about crosstalk, clouding, input lag (lower than 2010?), black level, banding. thx :]-Balazs
    We will examine all those things in the reviews.

    How about input lag at LG LW650W and LW5700?-Michael
    Depends on the systems that are activated but the picture circuits have been updated compared to the 2010 models.

    How about DLNA and its support of codecs etc. Whether they plan to implement DVB-S tuners as well as their competitors-bramo
    Supports MKV, Divx HD, wmv, avi, mpeg4 etc.
    No DVB-S tuners in the Nordic but some EU countries will get DVB-S tuners in the LG TVs.

    What sizes will the LW950W come in, and when will it be for sale? What are the differences between the US and the European model (LW950W)?-Daniel
    LW950W is the nordic model LW950W is the US and EU model. It will launch in 47 and 55 inches in end of April, beginning of maj.
    US vs. EU: The EU models will have DVB-T2 and USB recording. The US models will have more Smart TV Premium providers for video on demand services.

    is there a PVR function onboard? Is that supported with 2 tuners or just 1? I would like to watch a different channel then the one I am recording.-Martin
    Yes, but only 1 tuner. See the specs table for further details on which models that incorporate the USB recording functions.

    Does the LW770W also support local dimming, or is that only for the higher LW950W model? Is the Plex media client present in the LW700W and the LW950W series, or is that just a feature for the Plasma range?-Martin
    Yes, local dimming and Nano on both series. Plex is also integrated.

    Do the TV's support only passive 3D? Is that the way LG is going now? Do all the new LG's have passive 3D or is there a mixture in the 3D stock (active and passive)-Martin
    LG plans to release both passive and active 3DTVs. The passive 3DTVs are called Cinema 3D and the active 3DTVs are called Dynamic 3D.

    When's the 31" OLED coming out? I don't care about plasma or lcd.-oled
    LG's 31-inch OLED-TV will not launch in Europe. US and Asia still undecided.

    I'd be curious to know about release dates and pricing for all regions even though this is a Euro-centric event. I'm also interested to know more about their integration of Plex. They had a press release about it last year for their forthcoming 2011 products, but I didn't see anything on it come out of CES. From what I could find it was just built into the backend.-David
    Prices will be updated into this article later on. For more information about the Plex / Smart TV system see our later LG Smat TV article.

    In which screen sizes will the LW950W and LW770W be available in Germany?
    Same sizes as in other EU countries. LW950W in 47 and 55 inches. LW770W in 42, 47 and 55 inches.

    Will there be a 42" model for the LW7700?
    Yes, 42 inches. It has 64 local dimming zones

    What kind of functionality will the web browser have, will it have flash-capability? Will there be facebook support?
    Yes, both Flash, Java and Facebook support.

    When will the LW770W in -hopefully- 42" be released in Germany?-Stephan
    Hopefully in the beginning of Maj.

    When will the 5400, 5600/5700, and 650W series be available in the US. Pricing?
    End of April / beginning of Maj.

    Are the 570W and 650W series both matte.

    Are the 5400, 5600/570W and 650W series all going to be IPS panels? If not which ones?

    What is the difference between the 560W and 570W series passive 3D sets?-Eddie Neyman
    Aimed at different countries.

    PLEASE ask about the 72 incher. When is is available in EU, euro price and how it will be sold in different countries: in some selected shops or on order? What will be the EUropean model name for the 72"? Confirm if it is nano or not and if it has antiglare coating so no reflections.-wirk
    Mid Maj called LG 72LZ9970W. It has a glass front. It's not Nano but it has LED local dimming.

    Like some others here, I would like as much info as possible on the passive 3D TVs (LW650W & LW 5700, and others):
    * Release dates & prices?
    * Matte screens?
    * Any model with matte bezel?
    * True 24p playback support?
    * mkv media player support?
    * Do they have proper Web-browser?
    * DVB-T2?
    * CI+?
    * In their passive 3D, why didn't they use columns with different polarization instead (i.e. 960x1080 per eye instead of now 1920x540)? This alternative would better match broadcasts like Sky3D which does horizontal reduction (i.e. 960x1080) ... for several reasons.
    See some of the previous answers. 24p playback is supported on all models. CI+ is also supported.
    LG didn't answer the passive 3D question but we will get back to that in our reviews.

    Please ask them what actual technological changes have they made to their 2011 Plasma lineup, that allows them to claim a 10 million to 1, dynamic contrast ratio, compared to 3 million to 1 ratio for most of their 2010 Plasma lineup.
    LG says that the filter in front of the TV has been improved.

    Also, please ask them why they never post actual power consumption figures for their Plasma models, like Panasonic does.
    LG believe they do?

    If would also be nice to know if any of their Plasma models contain"Gorilla Glass", which is supposed to be lighter and much more shatter resistant, than the glass that Plasmas have contained, through 2010.
    Same glass as last year, so no Gorilla glass.

    If not LG, will Panasonic or Samsung use Gorilla Glass in any of their 2011 Plasma models? -Greenland
    We will answer that question in later sessions.

    Will they use fast decay phosphors in all their 2011 plasma models, or just in their 3D capable models? -Greenland
    All of the 3D models have the fast decay phosphor.

    Will plasmas have audio out?
    what about new XD engine?
    a lot of people here watch DTV!
    XD Engine is improved compared to 2010.
    Yes, the plasma TVs have HDMI 1.4 audio rerun channel and optical audio out.

    Please can you ask if a decent wireless box is going to be released so the LW9500/LW7700/PZ950 can be mounted without cables.
    Whats the point in marketing a TV with wireless A/V features when there is no hardware to support it.
    Also if there is a wireless box will it stream 3D content, thanks.
    Yes. It's the same box as in 2010.
    Yes, it also streams 3D content.

    Please ask if the Smart TV will be available for the 2010 model LX950W by firmware upgrade.
    This tv has already the magic motion remote controller and in the preview of the Smart TV they used a LX9500.(or looks very similar)
    The new Smart TV interface is exclusive for the 2011 models. LG going to launch Smart TV upgraded to allow older TVs to get the same features.

    Will the LW950W and/or LW770W have IPS panels (for better off-angle viewing)?-Ken
    Yes to IPS.

    Please ask when Flatpanels will get their sample of LW950W to review. And also how much this beauty will cost up here in scandinavia (Sweden)-Daniel
    Hopefully by end of Februar, LG says :)

    How are the inputs and outputs of the tv positioned? Are they facing down (so the tv is easily mounted on a wall?)
    Different from TV to TV. All the Cinema 3DTVs and the LEDs with local dimming have inputs pointing to the side or down. The plasma TVs have inputs pointing out.

    The LE850W model was a superb tv in 2010, only downsize was the refelections. How are they dealing with the reflections for the 2011 models. Did they improve this?-Martin
    It's the same glass front on the 2011 models.

    Please ask for a review sample of the new plasma's (pz550 and px950). -sypack
    We will hopefully receive that soon but LG had no date yet.

    The question which models offer anti glare measures interests me most. i know the LEX series has a coating to prevent reflections, but what about the rest of the lineup? -Michael
    See previous answers :)

    How many zones in local dimming of different models including 72 incher?-wirk
    240 zones.

    I think it is very important to understand all the improvements inside nanoled tv in comparison with last year model lx 950W because they are the hi end models.
    We will feature a full article later on the Nano teknologi so stay tuned.

    What's the type of ips panel inside nanoled tv? is it the same of lx 950W ? Try to understand if LG is using SUPER LED IPS technology this year in their TV.
    Yes, same IPS technology but with the Nano backlighting system

    * What's the codename of the deinterlacing/scaler chip inside nanoled tv? is it the same of lx 9500? Try to understand if it improves the scaling of low-resolution internet videos
    * What's the technology called nanoled ? oh they are saying nanoled are brighter, clearer and smoother...
    * what are they referring when they say this sentence ? For example: Is Nanoled brighter than LG full-led ? Is Nanoled brighter than LG led-plus?
    But if brightness is an easy concept i have some trouble with the term clearer screen. Why nanoled are clearer ?

    Clearer equals brighter. LG couldn't get into details about the deinterlacing/scaler. the rest of the Nano questions will be answered later.

    Flatpanel found some banding in lg LX950W review. How much is the banding of nanoled tv? Is it zero? Is it a little?
    LG says that the Nano teknologi has no such banding issues.

    How much is the halo effect of nanoled tv? Is it zero? Is it a little?
    It has been decreased thanks to the Nano teknologi but it's not 10W % gone.

    Speaking of uniformity are nanoled tv like plasma tv ?
    99 % uniformity LG claims.

    CINEMA 3D (passive) (lg low end models) against DYNAMIC 3D (active) (lg nanoled models)
    * I am interested to flatpanel's impressions but for me it's very important you do not forget to ask lg if the 3d material is BLU-RAY FULL HD 3D or a lower resolution (SAT type)
    We will get back to that in our reviews.

    Please ask the about the IRE near black bug in their plasmas. Is it still so, that the darkest shades of grey not reaching the upper, left and right side of the display?
    Difficult to answer in a short sentence but LG says that they believe this should be fixed in the new models but we will have to see in the later reviews.

    Please ask them about screenretention. Have they eliminated it? -Turrican4D
    LG says that they have managed to decrease retention every year, and they believe that their 3D panels have very, very little retention.

    Will there be Nano LED local dimming TV without 3D. I am technology purist, but i am not on the 3D bandwagon! -Kubic
    No Nano without 3D. But 3D is actually quite cheap to integrate so you're mostly paying for the advanced picture circuits and not the 3D, LG says.

    I would like to understand input lag for micro led model. it is so hight as the previous model also in game mode?-alpi
    We will have to do some thorough testing.

    Can you give information about input lag on nanoled model? can you give to us info about input lag on game-mode and no-gamemode? -phesx
    LG said it varied from model to model. We will try to answer this in our testing.

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