Det skal fra næste år fremgå tydeligt, hvis man alene får en licens – ikke ejerskab – når man "køber" film, spil og andet digitalt indhold i diverse app- og indholdsbutikker online.
Ingen kan tage Blu-ray skiven fra dig, når den først står på hylden, men digitale film, spil, bøger og musik tilknyttet en tjeneste eller platform kan potentielt trækkes tilbage.
Californien har derfor vedtaget en ny lov (AB 2426), der fra 2025 forpligter butikker, der bruger ord som "buy" og "purchase", til tydeligt at oplyse, om licensen kan trækkes tilbage, sammen med alle eventuelle begrænsninger. Det skriver mediet The Verge.
Ordvalget forbydes altså ikke, men oplysningspligten skærpes markant i forhold til i dag. Forholdene må ikke gemmes af vejen i særskilte vilkår. Selskaber, der bryder loven, vil få bøde for falsk markedsføring.
Indhold der forsvinder
Loven kommer som direkte reaktion på "købt" digitalt indhold, der forsvinder. I midten af 2022 fjernede PlayStation eksempelvis kundernes "købte" film fra Studio Canal, uden at tilbyde kompensation eller mulighed for offline-kopi.
- "Efterhånden som detailhandlere bevæger sig væk fra at sælge fysiske medier, er behovet for forbrugerbeskyttelse ved køb af digitale medier blevet stadig vigtigere," sagde Californiens medlem af forsamlingen, Jacqui Irwin, i en pressemeddelelse. "Jeg takker guvernøren for at underskrive AB 2426, der sikrer, at falsk og vildledende reklame fra sælgere af digitale medier, som forkert fortæller forbrugerne, at de ejer deres køb, bliver forvist til fortiden."
På den hjemlige front manglede kunder adskillige købte film efter svenske SF Anytimes opkøb af filmtjenesten Blockbuster i 2022.
Ejer man rent faktisk en "købt" film? Det fremgår ikke klart i filmbutikker. Screenshot: Flatpanels
Hvad er en offline-kopi?
Loven gælder ikke butikker, der tilbyder "permanent offline" download af indhold. Det gør digitale butikker som PlayStation, Xbox, Blockbuster og Rakuten ikke.
Apple TV appen gør, men det står ikke klart, om det opfylder Californiens definition for "... permanent offline download to an external storage source to be used without a connection to the internet". Apples offline-kopier kan rykkes til en ekstern harddisk, men er begrænset til HD-kvalitet. Er det godt nok?
Læs også: Tyskland vil forpligte producenter til at opdatere Smart TV
Den californiske lov er et skridt i den rigtige retning, men det løser dog ikke det underliggende problem. Forhåbentlig kan loven få EU ud af starthullerne, så europæere og danskere kan få tilsvarende eller bedre forbrugerbeskyttelse online.
Californien AB 2426 – lovteksten
The people of the State of California do enact as follows:
SECTION 1.Section 17500.6 is added to the Business and Professions Code, to read:17500.6.
(a)For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:
(1)Clear and conspicuous means in a manner that clearly calls attention to the language, such as in larger type than the surrounding text, or in contrasting type, font, or color to the surrounding text of the same size, or set off from the surrounding text of the same size by symbols or other marks.
(2)Digital application or game means any application or game that a person accesses and manipulates using a specialized electronic gaming device, computer, mobile device, tablet, or other device with a display screen, including any add-ons or additional content for that application or game.
(3)Digital audio work means a work that results from the fixation of a series of musical, spoken, or other sounds that are transferred electronically, including prerecorded or live songs, music, readings of books or other written materials, speeches, ringtones, or other sound recording.
(4)Digital audiovisual work means a series of related images that, when shown in succession, impart an impression of motion, together with accompanying sounds. Digital audiovisual work includes motion pictures, musicals, videos, news and entertainment programs, and live events.
(5)Digital book means a work that is generally recognized in the ordinary and usual sense as a book that is transferred electronically, including a work of fiction or nonfiction.
(6)Digital code means a code that provides the person that holds the code a right to obtain an additional digital good, a digital audiovisual work, digital audio work, or digital book that may be obtained by any means, including tangible forms and electronic mail, regardless of whether the code is designated as song code, video code, or book code. Digital code includes codes used to access or obtain any specified digital goods, or any additional digital goods that have been previously purchased, and promotion cards or codes that are purchased by a retailer or other business entity for use by the retailers or entitys customers.
(7)Digital good means a digital audiovisual work, digital audio work, digital book, digital code, or digital application or game, whether electronically or digitally delivered or accessed. Digital good does not include a cable television service, satellite relay television service, or any other distribution of television, video, or radio service.
(b)(1)It shall be unlawful for a seller of a digital good to advertise or offer for sale a digital good to a purchaser with the terms buy, purchase, or any other term which a reasonable person would understand to confer an unrestricted ownership interest in the digital good, or alongside an option for a time-limited rental, unless either of the following occur:
(A)The seller receives at the time of each transaction an affirmative acknowledgment from the purchaser indicating all of the following:
(i)That the purchaser is receiving a license to access the digital good.
(ii)A complete list of restrictions and conditions of the license.
(iii)That access to the digital good may be unilaterally revoked by the seller if they no longer hold a right to the digital good, if applicable.
(B)The seller provides to the consumer before executing each transaction a clear and conspicuous statement that does both of the following:
(i)States in plain language that buying or purchasing the digital good is a license.
(ii)Includes a hyperlink, QR code, or similar method to access the terms and conditions that provide full details on the license.
(2)Any affirmative acknowledgment from the purchaser or clear and conspicuous statement pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be distinct and separate from any other terms and conditions of the transaction that the purchaser acknowledges or agrees to.
(3)This section does not require a person to download a digital good, or prohibit a person from storing a digital good on a server for access through the internet.
(4)This section does not apply to any of the following:
(A)Any subscription-based service that advertises or offers for sale access to any digital good solely for the duration of the subscription.
(B)Any digital good that is advertised or offered to a person for no monetary consideration.
(C)Any digital good that is advertised or offered to a person that the seller cannot revoke access to after the transaction, which includes making the digital good available at the time of purchase for permanent offline download to an external storage source to be used without a connection to the internet. |
Flatpanels - Kilde: The Verge, lovtekst