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Netflix på vej med 6 naturhistoriske dokumentarer inkl. 'Our Planet II'

02 Nov 2022 | Rasmus Larsen |

Den 22. november frigiver Netflix Our Universe, som efterfølges af fem andre naturhistoriske dokumentarserier i de kommende år.

David Attenborough fandt for nylig sammen med Apple om Prehistoric Planet, men vender tilbage på Netflix næste år. Mindst to af de andre dokumentarserier bliver fortalt af Morgen Freeman.

- "Vi er begejstrede for at øge vores engagement i skelsættende naturhistoriske dokumentarer med seks nye serier, der får premiere i løbet af de næste par år, med start den 22. november med den episke fortælling om Our Universe, fortalt af Morgan Freeman," sagde Adam Del Deo, VP for Documentary Series, Netflix. "Hjulpet på vej af visionære producere og fortalt af ikoniske fortællere, vil disse historier med garanti begejstre og underholde seere i alle aldre."

Netflix siger, at 100 millioner husstande har streamet Our Planet siden udgivelsen i april 2019.

Our Planet er tilgængelig i 4K Dolby Vision på billedsiden og Dolby Atmos på lydsiden, så det virker overvejende sandsynligt, at de kommende dokumentarserier også kan streames i disse formater.

Netflix – kommende naturhistoriske dokumentarer

Our Universe – Premieres November 22, 2022 Narrated by Morgan Freeman Logline: From BBC Studios and narrated by Academy Award-winner Morgan Freeman, comes this unprecedented six-part series, an epic tale 13.8 billion years in the making. Blending stunning wildlife footage with eye-popping cosmic special effects, it takes viewers on a fascinating adventure to explore the connections that drive our natural world. From the birth of the Sun to the birth of a sea turtle, Our Universe uses groundbreaking animation to dramatize the spectacular celestial forces that generated our solar system, while modern camera and CGI technology bring the audience up close and personal with some of the most iconic, charismatic animals on Earth. Executive Producer: Andrew Cohen Showrunner : Mike Davis Production Company: BBC Studios Format: 6 x 45 min Our Planet II – Coming 2023 Narrated by David Attenborough Logline: From the Emmy Award-winning team behind Planet Earth and Our Planet comes Our Planet II . At any given moment on planet Earth, billions of animals are on the move. Captured with spectacular and innovative cinematography, Our Planet II unravels the mysteries of how and why animals migrate to reveal some of the most dramatic and compelling stories in the natural world. Series Producer: Huw Cordey Executive Producers: Alastair Fothergill, Keith Scholey Production Company: Silverback Films Format: 4 x 50 min Life on Our Planet – Coming 2023 Narrated by Morgan Freeman Logline: This is the story of life’s epic battle to conquer and survive on planet Earth. Today there are 20 million species on our planet, yet what we see is just a snapshot in time — 99% of earth’s inhabitants are lost to our deep past. The story of what happened to these dynasties — their rise and their fall — is truly remarkable. In partnership with Industrial Light & Magic, the series uses the latest technology and science to bring long extinct creatures back to life, Life On Our Planet reveals the incredible story of life on our planet. Series Producers: Dan Tapster, Keith Scholey, Alastair Fothergill Executive producers: Alastair Fothergill, Keith Scholey, Darryl Frank, Justin Falvey Production Companies: Silverback Films, Amblin Television Format: 8 x 60 mins Our Oceans – Coming 2024 Logline: Oceans are the beating heart of our planet yet so much remains unknown, unexplored and undiscovered. From the tropical warm waters of the Indian Ocean, to the fiery depths of the Atlantic, from the unpredictable waters of the Pacific that are surrounded by a ring of fire, to the freezing isolation of the Southern and Arctic Oceans, Our Oceans explores the magical world of wonders that lies beneath the waves. Series Producer: Jonathan Smith Executive Producers: James Honeyborne Production Companies: Freeborne Media, Wild Space Productions Format: 5 x 60 mins Our Living World – Coming 2024 Logline: All across its thin green-blue veneer, the Earth pulses with life. Building on astonishing scientific revelations and featuring stunning footage of the planet’s incredible natural networks, Our Living World is the definitive celebration of our living planet, revealing the astonishing web of connections that unites us all and sustains our universe’s most magical phenomenon — life. Series Producer: Ben Roy Executive Producers: James Honeyborne Production Companies: Freeborne Media, Wild Space Productions Format: 4 x 45 min Our Water World – Coming 2025 Logline: From the executive producer of Blue Planet II , Our Water World explores the incredible freshwater systems that help our planet thrive and, without which, life could not exist. From Earth’s icy realms, to its rushing rivers and epic waterfalls, to magical cloud forests, this is the mysterious, surprising and captivating story of our planet's extraordinary freshwater worlds. Series Producer: Jackie Garbutt Executive Producers: James Honeyborne Production Companies: Freeborne Media, Wild Space Productions Format: 5 x 60 mins
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